Take Down Service

Defend IT360 offer take down services with 3 RFIs a month under which we deliver intelligence based research, deep dive reports on topics, incidents, evolving cyber trends identified by you.

Types of Takedown Services


Phishing Takedown

Specialized in removing phishing websites, emails, or domains that mimic the organization

Domain Takedown

Helps reclaim or deactivate malicious domains, including those with typo-squatting or brand infringement.


Social Media Takedown

Addresses impersonation accounts or harmful posts targeting the organization.

Content Takedown

Focused on removing pirated or illegal content violating intellectual property rights.

Benefits of Takedown Services

Speedy Remediation

Rapid removal of malicious content minimizes exposure.


Legal and technical expertise to navigate complex takedown processes.

Proactive Defense

Combines with monitoring to detect and mitigate threats early.

Global Coverage

Operates across multiple regions, platforms, and languages.

Custom Reporting

Provides detailed reports on takedown activities and outcomes.